1.1 Introduction to cloud computing
1.2 What is Microsoft Azure?
1.3 Microsoft Azure Services
1.4 Creating a Microsoft Azure Account
1.5 Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell
1.6 Managing Azure Resources & Subscriptions
1.7 Azure Resource Manager
1.8 Microsoft Azure Architecture
1. Creating a Microsoft Azure account
2. Configuring Azure PowerShell
3. Configuring Azure CLI
2.1 Azure Resources & Subscriptions
2.2 Azure Resource Manager
2.3 Managing Azure Resources
2.4 Azure Tags
2.5 Azure Storage Account & its types
2.6 Azure Blob Storage
2.7 Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN)
2.8 Azure Files Storage
2.9 Azure File Sync
1. Manage Resource Groups in Azure
2. Move resource from one resource group to another
3. Apply tags
4. Create storage account
5. Access storage account
6. Create blob storage
7. Upload in blob storage
8. Create a file share
9. Creating and using CDN Endpoint
3.1 Azure Table Storage
3.2 Azure Queue Storage
3.3 Azure Storage Explorer
3.4 Azure Shared Access Signature (SAS)
3.5 Azure Databox
3.6 Azure Storage Replication
3.7 Data Replication Options
3.8 Azure Import/Export Service
1. Attach & Detach an External Storage Account
2. Storage explorer – Blob, file
3. queues and table storage
4. Backup-archive
5. Backup – Snapshots
6. Backup – AZCopy
7. Azure Shared Access Signature (SAS)
8. use Azure Data Factory Copy Data tool to transfer data to Azure
4.1 Azure Virtual Machines
4.2 Data Disks in Azure
4.3 Azure VMs & Interfaces
4.4 ARM templates
4.5 VHD templates
4.6 Custom Images of Azure VM
4.7 Virtual Machine Scale Sets
4.8 Virtual Machine Availability Sets
1. Creating and Configuring an Azure VM
2. Deploying a custom image of Azure VM
3. Virtual Machine Scale Sets.
5.1 App Service Web App for Containers
5.2 App Service plan
5.3 Networking for an App Service
5.4 Deployment slots
5.5 Container image
5.6 Azure Kubernetes Service
5.7 Azure Container Registry
1. Create an App Service Web App for Containers
2. Create a container image
3. configure Azure Kubernetes Service
4. publish and automate image deployment to the Azure Container Registry
6.1 Azure Virtual Networks
6.2 Azure Vnet Components
6.3 IP Address – Public & Private IPs
6.4 Azure Vnet Subnets
6.5 Azure Network Interface Cards (NIC)
6.6 Network Security Group (NSG)
6.7 Route Tables
6.8 Service Tags
6.9 Azure DNS
6.10 Private DNS
1. Vnet creation
2. Create and configure vnet-vnet peering
3. Verify virtual network connectivity
4. Assign static IP to VM
5. Create route tables
6. Add routes
7. Create NIC
8. Attach NIC to VM
9. Create DNS
10. Add RecordSet
11. Create NSG
12. Add security rule to NSG
13. Attach NSG to subnet
14. Verify NSG is applied
7.1 Application Gateway
7.2 Azure Front Door Service
7.3 Azure Traffic Manager
7.4 Application Security Groups
7.5 Azure Load Balancers
7.6 Azure Firewall
7.7 Azure Bastion
7.8 Network Watcher
7.9 Azure Express Route
7.10 Express Route Circuits
7.11 Express Route Peering
1. Create internal load balancer
2. Create Public load balancer
3. Application Gateway
4. Implement the Azure Front Door Service
5. implement Azure Traffic Manager
6. Deploy and configure Azure Bastion Service
8.1 Identity and Access Management in Azure
8.2 Role Based Access Management (RBAC)
8.3 Role Definitions
8.4 Role Assignment in Azure Resources
8.5 Azure Users & Groups
8.6 RBAC Policies
1. Create a custom role for Azure Resources
2. Assign a role to configure access to Azure resources
9.1 Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
9.2 Windows AD Vs Azure AD
9.3 Azure AD Users
9.4 Azure AD Groups
9.5 Azure AD Domains
9.6 Azure AD Tenants
9.7 Authentication Options
9.8 Azure AD Connect
9.9 Self Service password Reset (SSPR)
9.10 Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)
9.11 Resource Locks
1. Add or delete users using Azure Active Directory
2. Add or delete tenants using Azure Active Directory
3. Create a basic group and add members
4. Applying Resource Locks
10.1 Azure Monitor
10.2 Azure Metrics
10.3 Log Analytics
10.4 Alerts and actions
10.5 Application Insights
10.6 Backup reports
10.7 Recovery Services Vault
10.8 Backing Up Azure Virtual Machines
10.9 VM Backup Policies
10.10 Restoring Azure Virtual machines,
1. configure and interpret azure metrics
2. configure Log Analytics
3. query and analyse logs
4. set up alerts and actions
5. create a Recovery Services Vault
6. Backing up and restoring a Virtual Machine
Structure your learning and get a certificate to prove it.
Apply NowProject 1:
Problem: Implementing a new architecture to the company’s website based on the requirements given for application gateway, storage accounts and configuring traffic manager for the same
Topics covered:
Project highlights:
Project 2: building a dashboard to monitor your company’s website which is running on a web app.
Topics covered:
Project highlights:
Case Study 01: Introduction to Cloud computing
Problem Statement: Solving the issue of not wanting the corporation’s confidential data on the cloud while migrating to Microsoft Azure
Topics: Azure Resource manager, Azure subscriptions
1.1 Govern all resources separately
1.2 Tracking cost and billing of each service being used separately
1.3 Accessing and managing resource groups
Case Study 02: Microsoft Azure Storage
Problem Statement: Solving latency issues and difficulty accessing common files and tools
Topics: Azure storage account, Azure file share, CDN endpoint
2.1 Uploading static content to azure storage
2.2 Creating and configuring a CDN Endpoint to serve the static files that have
been uploaded
2.3 Creating an azure file share and uploading content in it
2.4 Connecting a Linux and Windows server to the File share
Case Study 03: Azure Virtual Machines
Problem Statement: Managing scaling requirements using scale sets and using custom image to create a Virtual machine
Topics: Virtual Machines, Custom images
3.1 Automating the scaling of Virtual Machines as required
3.2 Deploying multiple identical VMs using custom VM image
Case Study 04: Microsoft Azure networking
Problem Statement: Deploy a virtual network with multiple subnets in it and enable the resources within them to communicate privately
Topics: Virtual network, Vnet peering
4.1 Creating a Vnet with subnets and deploying Virtual Machines in it
4.2 Establishing a connection between these subnets
Case Study 05: Load balancing and Network watcher
Problem Statement: Setting up a load balancer and a network watcher in Azure portal
Topics: Azure load balancer, Network performance monitor
5.1 Deploying a load balancer for the backend resources such that a single frontend IP is exposed and all the web servers can be accessed from it
5.2 Setting up a Network performance manager to generate alerts
Case Study 06: Access management in Azure
Problem Statement: Providing access to some of the services managed by your organization’s active directory
Topics: Azure Active Directory, Azure Multi-Factor Authentication
6.1 Adding users in active directory and giving them access
6.2 Creating users in custom active directory domain and giving them access
6.3 Setting up a password authentication method
6.4 Setting up MFA with a verification option
Wisdom Educations is offering the Azure administration certification training that is in line with clearing the Microsoft Azure AZ-104 certification exam. This course will equip you with all the skills needed to manage Azure subscriptions and resources, implement storage, deploying of the Virtual Machine, managing identities and more. This certification course will help you take on bigger responsibilities in the administration domain.
Some of the other related Azure programs are on Azure Fundamentals, Azure Data Engineer, AZ-204, Azure Masters, Azure Solutions Architect, Masters in Azure and Azure DevOps.
Learn Microsoft Azure from the free blogs available. The top resources are Tutorial, Interview Questions and the basics of Azure.
This latest Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate certification (AZ-104) has evolved to have more in-depth coverage of the role-specific skills required in the industry compared to the previous certification and cover App Services. The new AZ-104 exam focuses more on compute resources, management of data in Azure Storage, special domain for resource monitoring, and implementation of backup and recovery.
Yes, Wisdom Educations is a Microsoft Partner, and all the Azure Certification courses are accredited by Microsoft.